Sunday, July 19, 2009

Michael Martone's Reading Disaster Story

Here's a tidbit from the wonderfully inventive and always wry writer, Michael Martone. Michael has reminded me that he includes a story of a reading gone awry in his self-titled book, MICHAEL MARTONE:

"In Michael Martone Michael Martone writes of a bad reading event. He was teaching at Harvard and giving his first reading after getting the job and the audience was filled with writers who did not get the job and were rather wishing he would fail. And fail he did. He always always checks before he starts to read that the pages are in order but in this case he forgot to check to make sure all the pages were there. And the last page of the 15 page story was not. And so at the climatic moment he turned the page and had to announce that the page was missing and that the story goes something like this, just winging it and confirming to the writers in the audience that they of course should have gotten the job."

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